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Gratuity Calculator

Explore how much gratuity you are eligible for. This Gratuity Calculator will be helpful for you. It is a simple and user-friendly tool that gives you an approximate figure of your gratuity based on your employment details.

Using this calculator, an employee could compute the gratuity amount expected by simply allowing in the basic salary and tenure of service with all other details. Plus calculating gratuity in private companies is also included. This tool provides a valuable resource for calculation of gratuity of central govt employees planning their finances and understanding their employment benefits.

Gratuity Calculator

Salary (Basic Pay + D.A)

No.of Years Of Service (Min:5 Years)

5 Years

Total Gratuity Payable To You

What is the Need of PitchNHire Gratuity Calculator in 2024?

This modern job market is becoming starters with the calculation of gratuity of central govt employees. It calculates how much gratuity an employee can acquire after leaving a job. It considers all relevant aspects, that is, gratuity for any employee's basic salary, length of service, and gratuity rules as applicable in the whole world. The PitchNHire continues to be a valuable tool in 2024 for several reasons:

Accurate Gratuity Calculations:

  • The calculator provides an estimate of gratuity amounts based on your employment details, ensuring you receive the correct amount as per employee laws.

Comprehending Entitlement:

  • The use of this calculator includes years of service and other factors for entitlement to gratuity.

Plan the Budget:

  • This calculator may be handy in the preparations made for financial planning as it can put an estimate on how much your gratuity payout will be.

Negotiation Tool:

  • Knowing the entitlement to gratuity can be easy at the negotiation table with regard to severance packages or retirement benefits.

Compliance with Labor Laws :

  • The calculator helps you ensure compliance with laws regarding gratuity payments, avoiding any potential disputes or penalties.

Ease of Use:

  • The PitchNHire Gratuity Calculator is user-friendly, and simple to use by filling in very little information so as to get accurate results.

Saves Time:

  • This calculator eliminates you from doing the computations manually, which would save you time as well as energy.


  • The calculator clearly reveals how the gratuity is computed, hence helping you know the factors that eventually contribute to your amount.

All in all, the PitchNHire Calculator is still a good resource for employee gratuity calculation to have easy access to accurate calculations, financial planning, and compliance.

How to Use the PitchNHire Calculator of Gratuity?

Step-1 Open Calculator:

  • Visit the PitchNHire website and select the Gratuity Calculator.

Step-2 Enter Your Basic Salary and Dearness Allowance:

  • Enter your total monthly salary by adding both the basic pay and the dearness allowance in the "Salary (Basic Pay + D.A)" field

Step-3 Input Your Years of Service:

  • Put the total number of years you have served continuously for your current employer in the "No.of Years Of Service (Min: 5 Years)" field. Never forget that you must have served for at least 5 years in order to be eligible for gratuity.

Step-4 View Your Estimated Gratuity:

  • Once you fill out all the fields, the calculator will automatically throw up your estimated total gratuity payable to you. The calculated field will be reflected in the "Total Gratuity Payable To You" field.

Step-5. Checks of Calculation:

  • According to the inputs, the gratuity amount will be calculated and displayed in the calculator.

Some Other Features

  • Tax Consequence:PNH calculators have tax consequences on gratuity payments.
  • Scenario Testing: You can try different scenarios by changing the values and see the effect it will have on the gratuity amount.

How the PitchNHire Gratuity Calculator Works?

The PitchNHire Calculator is a high-tech calculator using very complex algorithms and laws, and computes one's gratuity entitlements. This is how it works.

Input Data:

  • Basic Salary: it refers to the basic monthly salary paid by your employer. It normally refers to the amount of money the company pays its employee gratuity calculation before taking several allowances and deductions.
  • Years of Service: It denotes the number of years you have been working for the company.
  • Last Drawn Salary: If you are drawing a different salary than basic, then mention your last drawn salary


  • Application of Formula: Gratuity amount is calculated through formula provided by the Government. Here is that formula : Gratuity= (Basic Salary / 26) * (Number of Years of Service / 5)
  • Maximum Limit: The Gratuity Calculator will confirm to you that the gratuity calculated would not cross the maximum limit set by the Government.

Tax Implications:

  • Taxability: The calculator can tell you about the taxability of the amount of gratuity in relation to your total income and a couple of other factors.
  • Exemptions: It may also identify any form of exemption or deduction which would bring down your taxable gratuity.

Added Features

  • Scenario Analysis: There are some calculators that allow you to play around with scenarios. You can determine how much the amount of gratuity is affected by changing the input values.
  • Comparison with Other Calculations: Once you obtain your result for the PitchNHire Calculator, make sure your result is correct by comparing it with what other online tools output or by doing the computation manually.
  • Regular Updates: The gratuity calculator continuously updates its database as laws and regulations with regard to gratuities change. Thus, it comes up with the most accurate information for you.

Why Should You Use the PitchNHire Gratuity Calculator?

Accurate Calculations:

  • Latest Computations: The Calculator from PitchNHire provides precise calculations of your gratuity entitlement using cutting-edge algorithms and new data.
  • Labor Law Compliance: Calculator makes sure the gratuity is calculated by taking into consideration labor laws; thereby, you will be assured of getting the correct gratuity amount over the service period and the basic salary.
  • Reduces Time Consumption: The Gratuity Calculator saves manual efforts, thus eliminating the need of a time-consuming calculation process.
  • User Friendly Interface: The calculator is easy to understand, and hassle-free since fewer inputs are needed in order to arrive at clear results.

Financial Planning:

  • Retirement Planning: Your gratuity can be planned by including it in your financial projections to retire comfortably.
  • Pay Off Debts: You can use this amount to pay off debts or invest for your future.
  • Emergency Fund: Once you know the amount of gratuity you will receive, you can plan to save enough for an emergency fund to be prepared with any unexpected expenses.

Compliance Support:

  • No Disputes: You can avoid disputes with your employer as you correctly calculate gratuity online to know your entitlement of gratuity
  • Legal Compliance: You comply fully with worldwide labor law regarding gratuity payment. That again means lesser chances of serving punishment or attracting law.

Additional Benefits:

  • Scenario Analysi: Gratuity Calculator helps you figure out how different inputs impact the gratuity amount.
  • Tax Implications: The calculator will tell you tax implications regarding gratuity payment. It will help you get a clear understanding of your complete financial condition.

The PitchNHire Calculator could benefit its users with accurate calculations, saving time, and more rationalized financial decisions.

What are the Important Key Features of the PitchNHire Calculator?

The PitchNHire Calculator offers a comprehensive set of features designed to provide you with accurate and valuable information about your gratuity entitlement. Here are some of the key features to calculate gratuity online:

Accurate Calculations:

  • Reliable Algorithms: The calculator utilizes advanced algorithms and updated data sources to assure accurate computation
  • Corresponds to Laws: The gratuity amount is calculated using this Gratuity Calculator, thus helping you get the payable amount by considering your period of service and basic salary as per labor laws.


  • Easily Usable: The interface is easy, intuitive, and user-friendly, so that even those who do not have the professional knowledge of financial calculations can use the calculator
  • Minimum Input: Just basic information-the basic salary, years of service

All-Inclusive Coverage:

  • Forms of Employment: The calculator provides various forms of employment, like regular employment, contractual employment, and part time.
  • Gratuity Schemes: The calculator accommodates various gratuity schemes provided either by the Gratuity rules of the central governments or by state-specific rules.

Tax Results:

  • Taxability: The calculator provides relevant information regarding tax consequences of gratuity payments.
  • Exemptions: The calculator can show any exemptions or deductions that can decrease the amount of your gratuity taxable.

Scenario Analysis:

  • Flexibility: This Gratuity Calculator allows you to gain experience in a variety of scenarios through change of values for input, such as salary and years of service
  • Decision-Making: You can make informed decisions for planning your finances and how you want your retirement

More Up-to-date News

  • Be Informed: The calculator is updated regularly with respect to the changing and updated gratuity laws and regulations. You get the right and most up-to-date information using this method.

The PitchNHire retirement Gratuity calculator is simple and so easy to use, wherein you can calculate how much gratuity entitlement you are going to get. With this simplest and most accurate calculation, you come to know about the tax implications along with being at an easy interface, it guides you in making good financial decisions and assists you in making you comply with the labor legislation laws.

Common Questions on Gratuity Calculator

Q1: Is it a calculator for gratuities?

It is an estimate of the amount of gratuity you are owed upon termination.

Q2: How accurate is the PitchNHire Calculator?

The calculator provides reliable estimates based on global labor laws and accurate data.

Q3: Is the calculator free to use?

Yes, the PitchNHire Calculator is free to use.

Q4: What information do I need to provide?

You'll need to enter your Income with a simple salary, number of years of service, and last drawn salary, if applicable..

Q5: Can I adjust the input values?

Yes, you can change the input values to explore different scenarios.

Q6: What does the "Gratuity Amount" represent?

The estimated amount you are entitled to receive upon leaving your job.

Q7: How are the calculations made?

The retirement Gratuity calculator uses the formula prescribed by the Government to calculate the gratuity amount.

Q8: Can I compare different scenarios?

Yes, you can change the input values to see how they affect the gratuity amount.

Q9: Are gratuity payments taxable?

Taxability of gratuity is different for everybody and varies under various factors such as total income, as well as under which rule the gratuity is being paid.

Q10: Is gratuity tax-free?

Gratuity pay may not be taxable under certain circumstances.

Q11: Can I use the calculator for part-time or contractual employees?

Can I use the calculator for part-time or contractual employees?

Q12: What if the company goes bankrupt?

In the case of bankruptcy, the payout of gratuity would be governed by some rules.

Q13: Can I calculate for more than one job?

Yes, you may use this calculator for all the jobs to calculate the gratuity amount.